Saturday, April 25, 2009

Georgetown Poppyfest

Mark and I enjoyed a wonderful afternoon with his brother and sister-in-law roaming the not so crowded streets of Georgetown's square for the annual Poppyfest.

Large stages were erected which would later house the Bellamy Bros. (which we decided not to attend); craft booths lined the streets and we did little spending but alot of window shopping.

Ronnie and I headed straight for the Serendipity Chocolate Shoppe once we convinced everyone that's where we needed to be. Mark didn't care as much about the chocolate, he just wanted his daily caffeine...There was not alot to see this year, though I'd never actually been, I'd heard so much about it I did expect more!

Never to worry, however, since we ended our day with a dinner at the Monument Cafe.

Ronnie, Donna and even "Mom" seemed to be happy and content with dinner! You cannot beat their biscuits!

It all made for a nice day. It reminded me of all the times I wished for someone to go to silly festivals with and today I had that special someone. Even on a silly day, the blessings never cease to amaze me.

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